The apartments in the Villa Carmen incorporate modern technology in the form of the INTELLIGENT APARTMENT system providing additional comfort and safety of tenants and assets. The ensured reliability makes your stay at the Villa Carmen relaxing and enjoyable!

All rooms in the Villa Carmen include satellite TV and phone installations.


1. In each room you can use a remote control to:
Start and set the fan coil (heating or cooling),
Regulate light intensity,
Raise and lower the blinds.

2. A magnetic card is used to enter the building and the apartments.

3. In each apartment there are built-in flood sensors that transmit signals to the water valves in case of a flood which then automatically close.
It is also possible to close the water valves whenever you leave the apartment.

4. A video intercom system is installed at the entrance to the building.

Each apartment includes:
5. Fire Alarm
6. Burglar Alarm
7. Physical presence simulation system.

8. The apartments also have a built-in energy saving system (if windows or balcony doors remain open for longer than 2 minutes, the heating/cooling system switches off automatically)

9. The defined parameters in the apartments can be edited using a phone or cell phone (from any distance).

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